In the latest episode of the Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics rivalry, Samsung performed better than Apple in the United States based on third quarter sales figures gathered by the Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP). Apple Inc lags behind with 34 per cent compared to Samsung's 38 per cent smart phone sales figures in the third quarter.

CIRP co-founder Josh Lowitz said Samsung "appears to have taken a bit of share from Apple Inc" based on third quarter smart phone sales in the US.

However, Mr Lowitz was quick to say that Apple Inc's performance is attributed to customers who wanted to put off buying a new iPhone and wait for the launch of the iPhone 5C and the iPhone 5S in the third quarter.

In Oct. 2012, Apple Inc had the top spot due to the iPhone 5 release. CIRP also noted that the last quarter of 2013 may be Apple Inc's ticket to overtake Samsung in the United States with the release of the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5C.

Apple Inc has shown dominance in the last three surveys of CIRP. Based on CIRP figures, the Korean electronics giant Samsung had taken the lead even after not considering feature phone sales data.

By being the top smart phone sales performer in the United States in the third quarter, Samsung has gained a higher reputation. CIRP expects the company to continue its strong sales performance throughout the holiday season.

CIRP based its report on a survey of 500 customers who purchased a new smart phone between June and Sept. 2013 in the US.

Satisfaction survey

In another survey by JD Power, Apple Inc and Samsung remained in first and second place in the Smartphone Satisfaction Study. The two leading smart phone makers bested other competitors like HTC, Motorola and Blackberry in the satisfaction survey among US mobile carriers.

Verizon Communications and AT&T rated Apple Inc the highest with an above average score of 856 out of 1,000 points. Nokia took second place with a score of 840 followed by Samsung with 839 points. Meanwhile Sprint Nextel Corp. rated Samsung higher with a score of 853 against Apple Inc's 849.

Apple iPhone 5S production up?

Although Apple Inc has reportedly reduced its orders of the iPhone 5C from its suppliers, a new report from the NPD indicates that Apple has increased its iPhone 5S production to 75 per cent. If the NPD report is found to be true, it may mean a strong fourth quarter sales for Apple Inc with the iPhone 5S.