Fallout 4
Fallout 4 will be available on Nov.10 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC Bethesda

The release of the highly anticipated “Fallout 4” is in just a couple of weeks from now and Bethesda Softworks has done well in preparing players in their journey to the wastelands of Boston. Just recently, Bethesda Softworks has released a new S.P.E.C.I.A.L video which highlights Agility.

Released via the Youtube channel of Bethesda Softworks, the developer shows off how having a high agility rating can help Dwellers survive the harsh wastelands. Easier put, the Agility aspct of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. mechanic of “Fallout 4,” makes players quicker to avoid oncoming attacks. However, it also has other benefits as well.

Combat-wise, having a high Agility rating would allow players to successfully target multiple enemies so he could shoot them in succession. It could also greatly reduce the reloading time, which is highly essential in “Fallout 4” as guns are the main weapons.

Players can also use Agility to avoid combat by being stealthier around enemies. Subsequently, they could also use stealth to get the jump on unsuspecting groups of enemies.

“Fallout 4” is shaping up to be a great game that could suit the preference of many types of players with the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. mechanic. If the mechanic isn’t enough to entice players into purchasing the game, then maybe seeing it stream through a more portable PlayStation Vita could seal the deal.

In a Tweet sent out by Bethesda, the company showed off the PlayStation Vita’s ability to run “Fallout 4” streamed from a PlayStation 4. The company noted that the controls for the PlayStation Vita was handled by John Hamrick, a Bethesda designer. Since the PlayStation Vita has fewer buttons than the PlayStation 4 controller, so the developers will have to exert effort into matching the input.

Luckily, Hamrick has had a hands-on approach at other similar projects. Apparently, he was responsible for working on the control scheme for “Destiny” when it’s played through the PlayStation Vita.

Credit: Youtube/Bethesda Softworks

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