Maxim's Top 100 Hottest Women List for 2012 included a few surprising names in the line up, including 'Part of Me' singer, Katy Perry and 'Harry Potter' actress, Emma Watson. Perry was at number four while Watson ranked at 21.

Emma Watson might find this honor exciting, especially that she is now gearing towards more mature roles after doing the Harry Potter film franchise. It can be difficult for any actress who has started with teeny bopper roles and eventually land to having a sexier image in the future. Hence, having been ranked at #21 can be a good start.

This can be all fun too for Katy Perry, especially now that she is single again. But with how things are going with her most recent rumoured flings, it seems that the star has no intentions of going serious again when it comes to love. This can be a good thing to draw more attention for her upcoming 3D movie.

At the same time, Bar Rafaeli, the one who topped the list, tweeted her excitement over this news. The 26-year-old chart topper is one of the most hardworking models in the industry.

This was the very first time for Maxim to get the participation of their readers on deciding who would make it on the list.

You can check out other stars who made it on the list at Maxim's Hot 100 2012.


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