The most anticipated film event of the year will finally hit the big screens in just a few hours. Before people judge Jennifer Lawrence's action-packed scenes in the "Hunger Games", read more about how she did all the stunts by herself and never needed a stunt double not once.

Joe Horrigan talks about Lawrence's physical transformation for the role of Katniss Everdeen.

Everyone who has read Suzanne Collins' best selling post apocalyptic novel is just about giddy as anyone else to finally hit the theaters and see their lead character, Katniss Everdeen in action.

Unlike a few Hollywood young actresses who utilize stunt doubles as soon as they are thrust into physical roles, Jennifer Lawrence had to do all the stunts and the archery training proving she is indeed the perfect choice among all the rest.

Joe Horrigan, Lawrence's trainer on set, shares all that their Katniss Everdeen had to go through in the process of the shoot including what director Gary Ross had in mind about what Everdeen should physically look like.

"I was called to help Jennifer prepare for the film by director Gary Ross. Gary and Jennifer had discussed Katniss, her appearance and what the character would be like"

"They came to a conclusion that Jennifer, who was already in good shape, should be leaner, but they didn't think that she should be gaunt because she is able to eat in the book version," shares Joe Horrigan about what his first task in getting involved with "The Hunger Games."

"To help her get ready for the film, [we helped] improve her agility, her running, her speed and her technique. Then we knew what the goal was and we were able to work towards that goal."

Apart from her tedious work out, Joe made sure Jennifer stuck to a strict diet during the shoot.

"We had a certified clinical nutritionist look at the diet and it need very little modification. But we had a new goal so a little modification was necessary. She was very happy that it wasn't strict, fanatic or excessive. She said 'I can do this' And she did." says the trainer.

"She stuck to the diet and she didn't cheat and was never late for a workout. She never complained and was very humble. I think she was looking forward to this film and this role so much, that she never took it as a chore. She was always upbeat. She said it was her privilege to do this and it reflected in her work," addsHorrigan.

Looking at the photos of Jennifer from the recent red carpet premiers and her appearance at a few television shows, Joe made a great job at making Lawrence look fit and not to mention stunning. Almost everybody is in love with the actress, but the lead herself is having a bit of trouble getting used to all the attention and the fame.

"No. I am a troll," joked Jennifer. "I hate myself... I think the movie is great but their biggest mistake was me."

That's not what the world is saying but whatever Jennifer says, Hollywood has loved her ever since her Oscar worthy performance in the film, "Winter's Bone" and everyone will love her more in her perfect portrayal of Katniss Everdeen in "The Hunger Games."