Food Labelling App Empowers Consumers

A review of the Australia’s food labelling laws early this year failed to recommend a mandatory traffic light system for unhealthy food, pointing out that the system should only be implemented on a voluntary basis.

Food Labelling App Launched for Smart Food Choice

The Obesity Policy Coalition says the new mobile app called Traffic Light Food Tracker will enable users to work around the food industry's hesitation in supporting traffic light labelling. Obesity Policy Coalition spokeswoman Jane Martin says the system has been shown to improve people's eating habits.

Aussie Women Are Their Own Worst Beauty Critic

We are our own worst beauty critic, appears to be an overwhelming truth in the research released by Dove today, as over 85% of Australian women agree to this. Women cited hatred and dislike for everything from the stomach and hips to the tips of their toes. Majority of women (88%) believed that the pressure to be beautiful is everywhere, and half of Australian women (50%) admits that the biggest influence is the pressure they exert upon themselves to look beautiful.

Public Warned as Hay Fever Strikes in Spring

September heralds the beginning of spring. Flowers are all in bloom, grass and leaves are greener and pollen abounds. Spring ushers in common illnesses like allergic rhinitis and bee stings.
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Yoga for Healthy Liver

Keeping the liver in proper working order is essential because one role of the liver is to break down excess estrogen. Poor diet, alcohol, and medications including pain relievers (ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, etc.), cholesterol lowering drugs, Rogaine (minoxidil), and steroids can damage the liver.

Top 10 Tips to Beat Wrinkles

Fine line and wrinkles aren't inevitable. In fact skin experts believe that most of the skin damage can be prevented with a little know - how and some special care. Here are the Top10 factors to bear in mind no matter what your age.

How to Better Wake Your Teen For School Sans the Drama

But just because you understand why they are sleeping in doesn't mean that teens should get a blank check to be late for school every day. The fact is that they have to get up at a certain time every day for school.

20 New Ways to Cook Roasted Summer Veggies

When the vegetables are abundant in late summer, roasting them is a great way to use a lot at once. Once roasted, the possibilities for incorporating them into meals are endless.

How to Turn Your Backyard Into a Food Producing Machine

There's a lot of crazy news, it seems, happening around the world: London riots, stock market volatility, rising food inflation, and so on. But the way through all this is to focus on SOLUTIONS that help us be better prepared for the hard times that are already beginning to unfold around us.

Practicing Yoga During Pregnancy

Yoga holds a number of benefits both before and during pregnancy, however these practices call for modifications in order to accommodate the growing baby and protect the placenta.

Carbon Price Scheme – No Longer a Mystery Package

Upon the release of Prime Minister Julia Gillard's carbon price package (to take effect July 1, 2012), there has been talk aplenty of her plummeting popularity. The PM has dismissed the commentary in favour of the scheme's necessity, saying, "Polls will come and go... I'm absolutely convinced what I'm doing's right." The scores of people supporting action on climate change undoubtedly applaud this stance. For its part, Beyond Zero Emissions welcomes PM Gillard's carbon pr...

Sagging Skin: a result of rapid weight loss

Sagging skin is caused by losing too much weight too quickly. Slow, gradual weight loss does not result in excess flab, but rather, gives your skin and other body parts a chance to respond to all the changes that weight loss brings.

Very Low Calorie Diet for obesity

A VLCD may allow a severely to moderately obese patient to lose about 3 to 5 pounds per week, for an average total weight loss of 44 pounds over 12 weeks.

Pregnant women with asthma need utmost care

Women with poorly treated asthma who are pregnant are at increased risk of suffering from uterine hemorrhage and vaginal bleeding. But the most frequent complication for the mother is a condition that can lead to premature delivery, or the need to induce delivery, sometimes before the fetus is viable.

Body building during pregnancy: do and don'ts

If you have been weight training prior to becoming pregnant, then you may continue your weight training activities during pregnancy as long as they are not activities that could result in a loss of balance and you lower your intensity to prevent an increased body temperature and heart rate.

The Yoga Workout for flat Abs

Stretches that elongate your abdomen will help create that strong, lean middle. Doing yoga regularly will improve your flexibility, posture, and strength, while giving you that fringe benefit you're looking for-sculpted abs muscles.

Top 10 to prevent Breast Cancer

Genetic variants can be controlled to some extent by adjusting a person's diet and lifestyle. Just because you have a relative who has breast cancer or you carry certain genetic mutations does not mean you have suffer with cancer. It is clear that lifestyle and diet can influence risk from faulty genetics.

Drinking diet soda can still make you fat

Waistline watchers beware: drinking diet soda won't help you lose weight. According to data presented to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) Scientific Sessions diet soda may actually contribute to weight gain and Type 2 diabetes.

Boosting Testosterone in women over 40

As we age, our bodies produce less androgen (testosterone), estrogen and progesterone. By age 40, women produce about half the testosterone we did in our twenties. These levels drop further still with the onset of menopause or for women who have had their ovaries removed.

Yoga for heartburn

Heartburn or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) means acid indigestion. This occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) does not close properly and the stomach contents reflux or return into the esophagus.

Trichiasis: Ingrown Eyelashes

Such inward growth of eyelashes tend to irritate the cornea or conjunctiva, thereby scarring the cornea and may lead to vision loss.

Can smoking fight obesity?

U.S. scientists have discovered factors that make smokers thinner than non-smokers. The findings, said the Agence France Presse in a report proved that nicotine can serve as an ‘appetite suppressant in the brain’ that will prevent users from gaining weight.

Postnatal (Standing) Aqua Stretches

Aqua yoga makes use of deep breathing in relaxed stretches that are easier and safer in water than on land. Your ligaments are still soft and should not be overstretched for at least four months after giving birth.

Exercising with Migraine

Common psychological triggers include stress, depression and anger. Altitude, humidity and sun exposure are common environmental triggers. Physical triggers can range from lack of sleep to premenstrual hormonal fluctuations to certain foods, such as red wines, hot dogs, citrus fruits, cheeses and foods containing caffeine.

Too much television raises risk of heart disease, obesity and death

Couch potatoes take note- people who spend more time in front of the television are at a greater risk of dying or developing diabetes and heart disease. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health revealed in a study that even two hours of television a day can have an effect on a person's health.

Number of overweight Australian men increasing, alarming

Australian men are overweight, have a higher risk of cancer, prone to illicit drug use, injury, and smoking and have a shorter life expectancy that women but don't expect them to see a doctor about it, at least according to a recent study by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

Health Warning: Are Paracetamol and Ibuprofen really safe for kids?

In 2010, NSW Poison Information Centre received substantial number of calls concerning painkillers and children. Apparently, 3000 calls were due to paracetamol and another 1300 were related to ibuprofen. The overdose cases were not serious but around 400 ended in the hospital.
