The cameo appearance of Lindsay Lohan in 'Glee' has finally hit the airwaves.

This is her attempt to repackage her image after all the legal procedures she has gone through due to her issues of substance abuse.

LiLo appeared as herself on the hit Fox show to play as judge for a high school competition, with Perez Hilton and Rex Lee from 'Entourage.' The singer-actress said that she's there to support artists who are dreaming of becoming star.

"And who doesn't like someone making a comeback?" Lilo said in a statement.

It is the episode where she made the New Directions champions after waiting for three years.

There have been reports that Lohan has shown a 'diva-like' behaviour on set to last month. Other tabloid rumours were added with regards to her unprofessional ways on set.

Lohan's appearance may have just lasted for two minutes and 46 seconds, but it threw some hot punches, even targeting 'The Voice' which is a primary competitor of Fox's 'American Idol.'

'Glee' stars Chris Colfer and Lea Michelle were not surprised with these controversies spreading about her. For all they know, LiLo just did her job as they were also shooting their own scenes.


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