“Destiny” is set to receive major changes as soon as upcoming expansion The Taken King lands. Aside from the usual bug fixes and in-game tweaks, its biggest change comes in the form of a new mechanic that would greatly change the Crucible multiplayer mode of “Destiny.”

“Destiny” Senior Designer Andre Weldon revealed on the official Bungie website that a new Mercy Rule will be implemented in the competitive multiplayer of the online shooter. It will work similarly as in the traditional sports wherein the game will be called off when one team is far behind and can no longer win.

Basically, the match will end more quickly when the game is considered a “bad match,” thereby saving time which could be used for other matches. The addition of the Mercy Rule also aims to provide players with a way to enjoy matches via full end-of-match rewards so they will not quit too easily.

The Mercy rule is set to achieve a number of goals for “Destiny.” The first goal is to end bad matches as quickly as possible. Second, it aims to promote good sportsmanship by discouraging quitting. Of course, by stopping players from quitting, the winners will be given full end-of-match rewards. Last but not the least, the Mercy Rule will be used as compensation for players who are entered into bad games via join in progress.

"When the Mercy Rule hits, Shaxx will call out the end of the match," Weldon said on Bungie.net. He added that Bungie will disable the join in progress to stop other players from an ongoing game with extra slots made by dropping players. It will then reset the game clock 10 seconds, after which, the match will end. The remaining players will receive full end-game rewards and return to matchmaking afterward.

The new mechanic will come to “Destiny” on Sept. 8 via the “Destiny 2.0” update. It will be enabled through all team playlists with the exemption of Elimination and Trials of Osiris. Weldon added that Bungie will make changes and tweaks to the Mercy Rule based on player feedback and suggestions.

Weldon stated that the new Mercy Rule is being implemented to further improve the experience of players who are currently on the receiving end of a losing battle. Of course, Bungie also took into consideration the winning team. The team who is able to end a game early will receive a new gold tier medal called No Mercy.

“Destiny” will be getting more changes soon, as Bungie describes it as “year two” of the shooter. Engadget reports that the game will receive new maps, new modes, an increased level cap and much more.

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