Nexus 4 smartphone owners can now experience up to 3x battery life with the 4500mAh extended battery case from Mugen Power. The manufacturer of high-powered batteries for handheld devices officially announced the new CC-E960 battery case and its availability for the Nexus 4 owners who wish to lengthen the usage of the well-liked smart phone.

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"Google Nexus 4 owners are often reported to complain about short battery life of the device. We worked hard on this project and managed to fit 4500mAh capacity into that new battery case. Our solution gives customers added battery life to stay connected longer without recharges and make more with the smartphone than ever before," Nikolai Lebedovsky, CEO of Mugen Power Batteries, said.

The Mugen Power battery case was designed to extend the Nexus 4 battery life with the 4500mAh Lithium-Polymer battery case that can boost the 2100mAh battery after it has been used up. The impressive battery case, well-matched with the Nexus 4 smartphone, allows users to experience mobile freedom and longer device usage.

Consumers can find the new Mugen Power battery case reliable because the gadget has gone through QA tests and conforms with the CE requirements to guarantee the product's high quality with low return rate.

The Mugen Power 4500mAh Extended Battery case for the Google-LG Nexus 4 smart phone can be purchased for US$89.50 directly from the Mugen Power Batteries Web site link: The offered price includes free shipping worldwide that starts on July 19, 2013 and carries a one-year warranty.

More details about the battery case can be found at the link: Mugen Power batteries provide superior performance and reliability compared to other brands with its longer battery capacity and the case can serve as a smartphone protection as well.