‘Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire,’ online competition and ‘Pokemon Shuffle’ Halloween events unveiled

There’s still a lot of reasons to play the different “Pokemon” games this Halloween season. The Pokemon Company has announced some new events for currently top “Pokemon” games including “Pokemon Shuffle” and the “Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.”
On the “Pokemon Shuffle,” Dusknoir Descends event will be ending on Oct. 26. This new event challenges players to defeat and capture the Dusknoir in 20 moves. For player who are able to accomplish this, Dusknoir can execute the Last-Ditch Effort skill when it is used in a puzzle. This challenge is available for both the “Pokemon Shuffle’ and its mobile counterpart.
Apart from this, “Pokemon Shuffle” also features the Pokemon Safari, Serebii reported. Also running until Oct. 26, the event screams Halloween, complete with safari Pokemon Zubat, Pumpkaboo, Golbat, Dusclops, Crobat, Duskull and Gourgeist. Players will need to capture the wild Pokemon with only five to 12 moves.
According to fan findings Pumpkaboo may have the highest chances of appearing in the Safari Pokemon, followed by Zubat or Duskull. In a Reddit post, a fan has revealed some new information regarding the event for both Dusknoir Descends and the Pokemon Safari.
Pokemon fans who are still enjoying “Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire” can prepare for the Scrappy Skirmish Online Competition. This new competition will follow a format that was voted on by fans. The chosen theme was to have only underdog Pokemon in combat.
Here, players will need to build a team featuring only Pokemon that have never been included in the top 12 ever for the entire 2015 for the Double Battle Online Competition, Pokemon Global Link announced. For the event, all of the Double Battles are only those that will be played in “Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.”
Players are not allowed to bring Pokemon from previous titles with the Poke Transporter. Any participating Pokemon will be set to level 50 during matches. To be safe, The Pokemon Company has also provided a list of Pokemon that cannot be used in the online competition.
Among the ineligible Pokemon are Venusaur, Charizard, Pikachu, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Jolteon, Lanturn, Ampharos, Suicune, Tyranitar, Ludicolo, Gardevoir, Mawile, Manectric, Salamence, Luxray, Garchomp, Electivire, Rotom, Heatran, Cresselia, Emolga, Amoonguss, Galvantula, Eelektross, Stunfisk, Bisharp, Hydreigon, Terrakion, Thundurus, Landorus, Greninja, Talonflame, Aegishlash, Heliolisk and Sylveon. As per usual, Legendary and Mythical Pokemon are also banned from the Scrappy Skirmish.
Interested fans can get themselves prepared for the Nov. 5 registration for the Scrappy Skirmish Online Competition. The only requirements for joining are a Pokemon Trainer Club account, a copy of the “Pokemon Omega Ruby” or “Pokemon Alpha Sapphire” game and any of the eligible Pokemon for the matches.
"Pokemon Shuffle" trailer (Credit: YouTube/Pokemon Channel)
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