Before Call of Duty: Ghosts has even been released to its respective platforms, developer Sledgehammer Games is already looking at the next installment, which may prove to have an edge in terms of sounds compared to the previous ones.

Looking at job listings of the company, GameSpot reports that Sledgehammer Games is looking for an Assistant Dialogue Specialist, aimed at recreating and revitalizing the aural experience of the next Call of Duty game.

Then again, it's not as if Sledgehammer Games had any hand in the upcoming Call of Duty: Ghosts, so their next take may have an altogether different approach.

The report also recalls a previous job listing that had looked for a personnel who could add hyper-realism to an unspecified Call of Duty game. Of course, there are now engines that could cater to these mechanisms, as seen in some upcoming FPS games, but Sledgehammer Games may have a different view in mind.

Expect Call of Duty: Ghosts for the current-gen Xbox 360, PS3, and PC this November, while the versions for Xbox One and PS4 are still in development.

A look at Knack

Knack is one of the most known first-party games that Sony will be churning out once it is launch this holiday season. The game has been demoed for a while, the latest being in Jimmy Fallon, where the PS4 was showed off and played by the host onscreen.

And unlike regular shooter games or adventure games, it is by far indie-flavored when it comes to Sony's games. And lead PS4 architect Mark Cerny, who is also in charge of the project, revealed that some of his own inspirations came from nostalgic games.

Some of these include Crash Bandicoot, a fan favorite since the early nineties, God of War, and Katamari Damacy.

"We are definitely speaking to the nostalgia that people feel for the play experiences of the past," said Cerny in an interview quoted by Joystiq. "If you play this game on the hard difficulty setting, it will definitely challenge you. And the control scheme is on the simpler side, but you'll need to really think about how to best use it."

Watch out for Knack when it becomes available with the PS4 before the year ends.

Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's not on time

"Plants vs. Zombies 2, originally slated for a July 18th release, will now be released later in the summer. Stay tuned for more details."

As to any more details on why there was a delay, PopCap answered fans through Twitter, assuring them that it was all to ensure that the game will meet the standards and expectations of gamers.

A curious statement may catch the interest of those who are hopeful that it will come in other platforms. One fan had asked if the game will come out for others, and the reply was, "It will release on Apple products first!"

Does this mean that PvZ2 will come out for consoles and other mobile devices? One can only be hope that there will be announcements soon, considering the delay with iOS.