Kristen Stewart was just seventeen when she met Robert Pattinson on the set of Twilight. August 2007, Robert and Kristen met for the first time to audition for the iconic characters that have become bigger than anyone can imagine; the roles that had breathed a life of its own and the roles that in the end, have helped them found the Robsten Romance.

A look back to the memory lane tells us that Robsten began with a kiss - - two people who didn’t know each other but were forced to feel each other’s touch - - for the film. The magic was amazing. It was something no one has ever expected. It became bigger than life itself.

Kristen seventeen back, unworldly, wanted nothing but a life of success in career. Rob came to her as an important element in her life years later. Who knows when Robsten Romance started to blossom. But it was only in 2011 when Kristen admitted that there was something more than Edward and Bella between them.

The immortal love began as she “accidentally” mentioned in an “off-the-cuff comment” during a photo shoot for her cover on GQ in October 2011 that the truth about their blossoming romance actually “came out from the horse’s mouth,” so to speak. Rob and Kristen, though obvious in too many fan sightings and photos posted online were already dating for years before the tightlipped couple admitted to it, through Kristen.

Kristen was making some un-prepped comments - - in between photo shoots - - that she needed to look around UK “because my boyfriend is English.” Overheard by a journalist, Kristen had no way out but admit to it - - that she had fallen for Rob.

'I never would have said that if I knew you were interviewing me,' Kristen said in defense, adding, “ So much of my life is so easily googled. I mean, it’s like, come on guys, it’s so obvious!”

Rob and Kristen have been inseparable since they made Twilight together; since they fell in love and even after the last installment of the franchise came to an end in November 2012.

They weathered even the most horrifying, unspeakable cheating scandal involving the actress. No one had ever felt more loved than Kristen when her man stood by her following the devastating photos of her and a film director shocked Hollywood on July 17, 2012.

Kristen had no choice but to reiterate her love for Rob and ask for thousands of forgiveness.

"This momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person I love and respect the most, Rob. I love him, I love him, I'm so sorry,” Kristen said shortly after the scandalous photos came out.

Rob forgave Kristen. It must have been for love and for the professional obligation he and Kristen were still under - - the premieres of the last installment of Twilight franchise. They were back together in October 2012. Seven months later, sorry wasn’t enough for Rob. With reasons still unknown to many, Robsten Romance came to an end for the second time.

A picture of sadness in Kristen came to fore. There were moments of dire freedom from all the drama brought by Robsten Romance as seen in Kristen’s rare smiles. But at times, emptiness was just too much.

“She misses her best friend. It’s like a part of her has died and she is still going through the grieving process,” a source close to Kristen confided in an exclusive interview with

The source added, “Kristen has been just laying low, hanging out with her closest friends and trying to stay out of the spotlight as much as possible,” the source explains as how Kristen is dealing with the split.”

Kristen was left with friends to support her as Rob drove away with his stuff at the back of his big red pick-up truck. It was a loss Kristen wasn’t ready to let go but she was trying to cope with loneliness through the help of her friends.

A fan made VIDEO can also take you back to the memory lane of the Robsten Romance that once had rubbed everyone off with so much love.

Also READ:
Robsten Romance: Robert Pattinson “Wanted to Stay With Kristen Stewart for the Rest of His Life” [View PHOTOS] Click here.
Robsten Break-Up Saga: Robert Pattinson Chose Mom Clare Over Kristen Stewart? [PHOTOS]
Pamela Anderson Looks Red Hot at 45, Flaunting Perky Butt in Photo Shoot for June 2013 Issue of Vogue Brazil [PHOTOS/VIDEO]

VIDEO: "(PART 2)Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart best romantic moments by Asstpharm