The CW television network continues to release promo photos for the excited "Supernatural" fans while waiting for the premiere of Season 9. The latest promo photo released through CW's social networking site Tumblr features actor Mark Sheppard as the demon Crowley.

Actor Mark Sheppard as Demon Crowley in "Supernatural" Season 9 Promo Photo:
Photo Credit: Tumblr/badwolfme

The "Supernatural" Season 9 promo photo was initially leaked as a blurred image with CW asking the fans on Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook to retweet, note and like the promo photo for it to be clearly released. For instance, the Tumblr petition reads "Can you raise a little Hell and get this photo to 4,500 notes?" and the devoted "Supernatural" fans immediately responded to the simple request.

Now, the clear promo photo shows actor Mark Sheppard as the demon Crowley with a devilish smirk on his face like he is planning something really evil against the Winchester brothers. The Season 8 finale will not completely cure Crowley with the ritual performed with Sam Winchester.

Sam's older brother, Dean, put a stop to the ritual after finding out that it will only kill Sam. Season 9 will reportedly reveal the effect on Crowley and the question of up to what extent is uncertain as well since the Winchester brothers will put him in the "Men of Letters" bunker in the early part of the new season.

"We like this idea of Crowley sort of being our Hannibal Lecter, and like Hannibal Lecter, his goal is to get out and he's still clever and he's going to try everything he can. Eventually he will. Where that happens, we don't know yet. But we kind of like him in the cage. We like that the boys can have these one-on-ones with him... But he's always scheming. We'll play that as long as it takes," executive producer Robert Singer shared about Mark Sheppard's character during the 2013 San Diego Comic Con.

To make things more interesting in "Supernatural" Season 9, a new demon will be introduced with the objective of stealing the "King of Hell" title from Crowley. "Supernatural" Season 9 returns on Wednesday night, October 8, at the CW Television Network.

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