While most zombie games are a hodgepodge of shooting, slashing and spurting of zombie blood and guts, reviews suggest there's really something truly unique in the way that Telltale Games has handled "The Walking Dead" game series, and it is also felt in the way that the story has progressed for its second season.

The first episode, dubbed All that Remains, finds the player in the shoes of Clementine, the little girl who was forced to grow up too soon as she tries to survive through the zombie apocalypse that she was thrown in.

According to Gamefront, the wave after wave of hardship is pretty relentless in this rendition, seen much more especially since the protagonist is pretty young. Set a year and an half after season 1, a player is now faced with two progressions in the game. The first is in how Clementine will survive now that her safety zone is gone, and the second is how she will decide and grow throughout the season.

Good for First Timers

Even though this is dubbed as the second season, the report states that "The Walking Dead Season" 2 is not something that first-time players of the series should shy away from. Even those who weren't able to play the 400 Days DLC will be able to enjoy it, though the decisions that should have affected a player's gameplay have been chosen at random.

Of course, there is an advantage to knowing who she was back then, as a player gets an appreciation of how she evolves even more from that timid girl of 8.

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Storytelling Masters still at it

Over at TechnoBuffalo, there is also a good deal of praise for Telltale Games, if only because it is able to understand the zombie universe and internalise it instead of turning it into a gorefest.

There's a reason why people act this way, and this is what can be further explored as the season goes on. While the rating for the first episode of "The Walking Dead Season 2" puts it at a decent position, there is still hope for the season to become a great one once all five episodes come together.

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The Good, the Bad and What Works

OTL Gaming also features a short review over at Tumblr for "The Walking Dead Season 2: All that Remains," and it gives a pretty good overview of what to expect and what to live with when gamers play the game.

For one, new characters and storylines are ripe for exploration, something that Telltale Games may have success with given the way it handles and treats storytelling. But one big hope that OTL Gaming has is for the next episode to be longer. At 2 to less than 3 hours for the entire game, it can be dubbed as really short - never mind if there are still four more episodes coming in.

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Lastly, OTL Gaming also mentions a couple of glitches in the game. While "The Walking Dead Season 2" is not as buggy as some games are being pegged recently, it can be a little distracting from a game that is otherwise as serious as hell.

Disclaimer: Opinions that may be included in this article are solely of the writer and not representative of IBT Media.