Watch Dogs Release Date for April, with 1080p Coming to PS4?
With Watch Dogs' release date still a vague timeframe of "spring 2014," speculations are bound to set off, starting with speculation that has erupted over at NeoGAF. Fans have been discussing the likelihood of the reported April 25 release date.
"Games release on Friday in the U.K. and Ireland, so a Friday release isn't an oddity. Expect it on the Tuesday in the U.S. I'd imagine and Wednesday in mainland Europe," said PhillipCostigan.
"Friday seems like a good day. Before, Ubi seemed to be sending it to die at launch with so many other games to compete against (including AC4). Now, it will release alone that day and should catch the news cycle spotlight for the remainder of the week after any games that launch on that Tuesday," said Paskil.
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Citing GameKeysNow as a source, which is well-known for reporting on the PS Plus February offers before the confirmation from Sony, NeoGAF user Simon has posted a quote from the report:
"We are hearing multiple sources that Ubisoft's Watch Dogs is set to release on April 25th 2014. Previously set to launch late last year, the title was delayed shortly before release in order to add more polish. Now it seems the buffing is almost complete and the game that has wowed critics at the last two E3 trade shows is set to finally grace us with its [presence]."
1080p coming for the PS4, higher than on Xbox One?
The graphics fight is on again for the PS4 and Xbox One, this time with Watch Dogs. A report from NowGamer has tapped an insider who suggested that Ubisoft's upcoming title will have a lower resolution on Microsoft's next-gen console.
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Termed as "resolution gate," the insider uses this to refer to the possibility of the multiplatform game being on a higher resolution for one (the PS4) than the other (the Xbox One).
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This was exhibited in Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition. According to the report, there were no definitive mention of Watch Dogs, but seeing as how this is the title that's most anticipated right now from Ubisoft, it's not an unsafe bet.
If the resolution difference happens once again, there will surely be another round of comparisons where the Xbox One will take yet another bad hit against the PS4.