Just recently, two retailers, Walmart and Best Buy, have announced that they will be offering the Xbox One Titanfall Bundle at a discounted price of $450.

Now it seems that Microsoft is also implementing the price cut as an official one, as the Microsoft Store has also slashed off $50 from the bundle to also sell at $450. What's more, GameSpot reports that the $450 bundle is not limited to the Titanfall title, but also the Forza 5 Xbox One Bundle.

The catch here is that the offer is for a limited time only, perhaps as a way to battle the hype of the PS4 exclusive inFamous: Second Son as it enjoys the week of its release. The new offer is also highlighted by the fact that the Sony is not offering any other bundles for the PS4, which means that taking advantage of the offer over at Microsoft now will actually put the Xbox One at the cheaper end in terms of pricing.

Obama plays Titanfall: A funny mystery in three parts

Before you hurry up to log in to Titanfall, be warned that Obama Plays Titanfall is the newest funny trend in the Xbox exclusive game, as it is the work of GameSociety Pimps for laughs.

In a three-part video, Kotaku reports that Jason Stephens, voice actor, is the one responsible for the Obama-esque voice you hear in the background. The way he talks is pretty much the amazing thing in the videos, so that's worth taking a viewing.

The videos are pretty short, but you'll hear about Q&As about favorite president, the promotion of the HealthCare.gov and even quips about the Malaysian MH370 flight, Emilia Earhart, and aliens.

Something to look forward to during PAX East

Come April 12, fans of Titanfall may want to check out the panel that developer Respawn will be hosting at the event.

Titanfall Blog has spotted the panel, titled "Titanfall - Looking Back & Moving Forward" where the team consisting of CEO Vince Zampella, producer Drew McCoy, lead designer Justin Hendry, software engineer Jon Shiring, and community manager Abbie Heppe will consist of the panelists.

According to the source, they will be discussing the making of TItanfall, the launch, and the future of the franchise. This could be an interesting panel, if only since this may be the chance for confirmations and details to come out. For instance, Zampella has also confirmed that new game modes will be coming out, though failed to expound on the query beyond a "yes."

At the same time, if it's about the future of the franchise, there may also be announcements once and for all about the possible sequels debuting in other platforms beyond the Xbox One.

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