Although Blizzard already fixed the issues in Diablo 3, especially the Error 37 that did not allow gamers to enter hell; South Korean government ordered that Blizzard should give refund to users affected by the errors.

Refunds from Blizzard do not only apply to South Korea. According to Wall Street Journal, if you are below level 40 then the refund applies from June 25th to July 3rd. If you are below level 20, then you can get a refund, but only if it's within two weeks of being purchased from today.

This decision is not influenced by Korea's consumer protection law. This is Blizzard's own decision to give consumers their money back for any reason a consumer feels they have any issue with a product and it is found and proven that it is Blizzard's fault.

Another new from Diablo 3 is the new patch 1.0.3. Part of the new patch means that new players and those who purchase the game online may have to wait 72 hours to access the full game.

Blizzard's latest patch restricts initial access to new copies of the game which have been bought online. This means that any newly-bought digital Full Edition copies will be restricted to Starter Edition content for up to the first 72 hours of ownership. This is a measure to prevent combat credit card fraud.

The following are the restrictions made by Blizzard to players of Starter Edition:

  • Act I up to the Skeleton King is available
  • Level 13 cap
  • Matchmaking available only with other Starter Edition players
  • No Auction House access (Real Money or Gold)
  • Global Play is not available. Players attempting to connect to Diablo III Starter Edition in a region other than their Account's home region will receive Error 12. See the Global Play support article for more information.

"[Blizzard] apologize for the inconvenience, but it is a necessary step to combat fraud and other malicious activities that can weaken everyone's play experience...The delay is no longer than three days, and is often much quicker than that. Hang tight. :)," one of the support agents said.

Although there is no major change incurred by the latest patch, the patch 1.0.3 contains numerous significant small changes in the game that greatly affect how gamers play Diablo 3.