Uranium Price Weakens Further

By Andrew NelsonWhile anticipation of the upside from Japanese reactor restarts continued to slowly build, spot traders have decided to forge their own path.

Treasury Wine's Future Red Or White

- TWE writes down US inventory- management still operating on blind faith- value lies only in corporate actionBy Greg PeelCelebrated British wine expert and TV personality Oz Clarke unwittingly launched Australia's highly successful export wine industry back in the 1980s, according to a recent ...
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Australia's Banks May be on Verge of Housing Bust; Homes Too Expensive for Most Australians

Banks in Australia have the highest concentration of residential mortgages than any other type of institution in the world, making them vulnerable to a possible house price correction according to the analysis of a leading credit market economist. Since houses in Australia are overvalued, many Australians consider housing affordability an issue. This is true especially for voters as housing ranks ahead of border security, broadband and education among the issues government must focus on.

The End of Economic Growth as We Know It

Not much in the markets to draw our attention. Other than another pronouncement by the Fed that it will remain 'highly accommodative' for the so-called 'foreseeable future'.

Samsung Copies Asus, Files a Similar Patent to Padfone

Samsung seems intent on crushing every competitor out there. Apart from the company’s ongoing rivalry with Apple, it also now appears to be going out to challenge ASUS. Recent sighting of Samsung’s patent reveal the company is working on something similar to Asus Padfone.

Review: New Razer Blade Goes Beyond Gaming, Challenges Almost Copies Macbook Pro

Razer Blade has been leading the pack for gaming computers. Their range of laptops has gained an excellent part of the market. The release of the latest 2013 Razer Blade signals another venture for the company. Their latest draws comparison to Apple’s Macbook Pro with Retina display. With the features almost similar to one another, will Razer Blade give Apple a run for its money?

Why The Federal Reserve's Latest Announcement Should Worry You

By Michael Lombardi, MBA for Profit ConfidentialDid the Federal Reserve just tell us it wants much higher inflation?In the most recent meeting minutes from the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), it said:"Most [members], however, now anticipated that the Committee would not sell agency mortgage-ba...

No Retina Display Yet for iPad Mini 2

Apple fans would have to wait for sometime before the Retina Display arrives on the iPad Mini 2. Several reports indicated the Retina would likely have a full launch by 2014, at the earliest.

BlackBerry to Launch 5-Inch Screen A10 by Fall, Best Buy Drops Price of Z10 to $49

Despite weak sales, Canadian phone maker BlackBerry is determined to regain its number one position in the mobile phone market by planning the release of a new flagship device by the second half of 2013. The A10, featuring a 5-inch Super AMOLED display, dual-core processor and a separate graphic processor, will roll out by fall.

Australian Stock Market Report – Afternoon 7/12/13

Local shares failed to hold onto the 0.9 per cent improvement recorded over the first hour of trade. However, the All Ordinaries Index (XAO) still managed to edge higher by 0.3 per cent; gaining for the fourth straight day; up around 2.9 per cent this week and flirting with the 5000.0 point mark for the first time since May.

Apple Inc Stands to Collect $12-14 Billion for Verizon iPhones

Verizon Communications Inc's contract with Apple Inc will apparently end this year as the deal becomes due. Verizon owes to Apple Inc an outstanding balance of almost $12 billion. A Verizon shortfall of $12 to $14 billion has an estimated value of $4-5 per share.

A Two-Faced Shock for the Australian Economy

Is he Harvey Two-Face or Janus? The 'he' we're referring to is US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. He thoroughly confused markets after the US close on Wednesday. On the one hand, the Fed will not necessarily end QE when the US unemployment rate reaches 6.5%. On the other hand, interest rates will not rise even if the Fed 'tapers off' bond purchases.

Pebble Gets Over 190,000 Pre-Orders After Kickstarter

Completing a Kickstarter phase has helped Pebble generate more than 190,000 pre-orders. The Pebble team is responsible for the smart watch device hitting the market soon. With their Kickstarter phase finished, the team will now handle hundreds of thousands of shipments sent to their website.

Australian Stock Market Report – Midday 7/12/13

The Australian sharemarket is improving for the fourth straight day. The All Ordinaries Index (XAO) is up 0.6 per cent, taking the gains this week to around 3.25 per cent. If the gains extend a little further this afternoon, this will end up being the best week since December 2011.

Apple’s Next Best Product? Apple is Patenting a New Hybrid Next-Level Control Device

Something is brewing in apple as reports cite a sighting of a patent application under the company’s name at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The patent hints Apple’s working on a hybrid device with an external touchpad and built-in initial sensors. The new device offers people a wide range of motion functions – could this be Apple’s next best product?

Dow 60,000? Here's How It's Going to Get There

By David Fessler, Investment U Senior AnalystRon Baron isn't as famous as Warren Buffett or Peter Lynch, but the founder of Baron Capital Group deploys an investment philosophy that's not unlike the better-known investment giants: Start with in-depth research, ignore short-term market vola...

HTC One Max vs Samsung Galaxy Note 3: Which Phablet Will Dominate?

Samsung and HTC will go head to head sometime this year as they release their two phablets. Samsung is poised to release the Samsung Galaxu Note 3 whereas HTC will release their HTC One Max. Many consumers seem to anticipate more of the other but it is worthwhile to check which phablet features such to see which can dominate the market truly.
