Chinese Teen ‘Desecrates’ Egyptian Artwork, Vandalises Centuries Old Luxor Temple, Chinese Netizens Outraged Over Uncivilised Behaviour

Chinese citizens may already be getting rich enough to afford international overseas trips and visits, but wealth is by no means a safeguard to conduct misbehaviour in other lands. Ding Jinhao, a lucky Chinese teener who had the opportunity to visit and personally see for himself the famed centuries-old Luxor Temple, has gotten the ire of Chinese netizens after he desecrated and vandalized the Egyptian artwork a few years back.

Amazon to Go Head to Head vs Google, Facebook, Walmart and Yahoo

It may be too early to pinpoint what Amazon is doing but ongoing rumors suggest the web-based retail giant is planning on competing with the web giant Google. It may not just be Google – Amazon’s plans seem to incorporate everything from Walmart to Facebook and Yahoo.

Full Scale Stench Or Just BO?

By Peter Switzer, Switzer Super ReportNewspapers can't help themselves ? they're running a scare campaign using headlines like "markets in turmoil".

Woodside Opts for Floating LNG for Browse Project

Woodside Petroleum is set to announce that it will pursue a floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant for its Browse project. By selecting that option, Woodside and its partners, Shell and BHP Billiton, are abandoning initial plans to construct an offshore plant at James Price Point which would have cost the company at least $50 billion.
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The Overnight Report: In Memoriam

By Greg PeelThe Australian market opened yesterday the same way it had closed last week ? weak. The foreign exit continued in the morning and provided for another 1% fall before the market finally rediscovered some buying interest, ensuring a less dramatic 0.

Australian Stock Market Report – Midday 5/27/13

The new week has started the same way the last one finished, with sellers on the front foot. The debate about the US Federal Reserve exiting its quantitative easing program continues to dominate the bigger picture. At a local level the earnings picture is creating concerns with profit downgrades figuring prominently in recent weeks.

How Much Does a Child Cost? [PHOTOS]

The cost of raising a child today has increased by half its recorded amount six years ago, according to a report by AMP and the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) from Australia’s University of Canberra. The report reveals that a middle-income family now is facing the inevitable - - to spend more on raising children than attending to basic socio-economic needs like, education.

Bad Days are Gathering Over China’s Manufacturing in May

Apparently, signs of the China's economic recovery are weakening as the latest flash manufacturing PMI showed that factory activity slumped significantly in May. Data released by HSBC Holdings Plc indicated that the economic growth of the world's second economy was visibly slackening in the second quarter of the year. It seems that bad days are gathering over China's manufacturing.

More Background Noise From Ben Bernanke

Yesterday we wondered whether Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, in his speech to Congress, would come out in support of his colleagues (and the banks) or whether he'd speak with one eye on his legacy. Turns out he's managed to do both!

China’s Bird Flu Outbreak Cost Industry Losses of $6.5bn

While the spread of H7N9 virus appears to have been brought under control in China, public healthcare experts say the bird flu outbreak has cost the country's poultry industry more than 40 billion yuan ($6.5 billion) in losses despite Beijing's swift actions to contain the outbreak.

Australian Stock Market Report – Midday 5/24/13

Despite a slight rise on the open, local shares are falling by 1.3 per cent, taking the losses for the week so far to more than 3.5 per cent. If markets continue in this direction for the rest of the session, we're set to have the worst week in a year.

This Tiny Mining Sector Is About to Soar

By David Fessler, Investment U Senior AnalystSomething big is about to strike the mining industry. When it does, savvy investors have a grand opportunity on their hands.

As Ford Moves Out, Holden and Toyota Remain Committed to Australia

In the midst of Ford's decision to ship out of Australia, Holden and Toyota express their intent to stay put in Australia, at least for now. Toyota is even pointing to its $330 million new engine production facility that is meant to cater locally and the whole of Asia.
