‘Call of Duty: Black Ops 3’: New gameplay video highlights Chaos section of Cybercore ability

With the release of “Call of Duty: Black Ops 3” less than a month away, Activision has released a new video which highlights an integral part of the new entry’s gameplay. The video is an introduction to the Chaos section of the Cybercore ability and long-time series fans are sure to enjoy the new mechanic.
The Chaos section is a set of skills for the in-game character to use against enemies. There are several skills to choose from and their effects vary greatly from each other, but all are focused on harming the enemy.
The first of the four highlighted Chaos abilities is the Mass Overload, which temporarily disables enemies. The description of the close-ranged skill says that the skill will blind and deafen enemies.
The next skill highlighted is a little more destructive than the others as it could affect enemies in an area. The Adaptive Immolation skill enflames all nearby robots and sets off all explosives carried by the enemy. The skill will be useful against hordes of enemies close to each other.
Firefly Swarm on the other hand is set to distract a group of enemies. Upon activation, several swarms of Fireflies will engage the enemy to distract and briefly stun them, making them vulnerable for a short period.
Next is perhaps one of the oddest additions to the Chaos section, the Enhance Sonic A.P.. The description of the skill says that it will incapacitate enemies using a sonicwave. When successfully used, any enemy targeted by the skill will begin vomiting uncontrollably.
There are two other skills yet to be highlighted by Activision but it could come in the following weeks. However, the name and description of the skills were briefly shown at the beginning of the video.
Enhanced Cacophony, similar to Adaptive Immolation will cause massive destruction through explosions. Unlike Adaptive Immolation, it will set off any nearby containers and gas tanks.
Wide-Area Misdirect skill is also geared towards distracting enemies. Unlike Firefly Swarm, it will cover a huge portion of the field, but it will not stun enemies.
As of now, the Cybercore abilities are not accessible in the game’s multiplayer mode, PlayStation Lifestyle reports. The new mechanic will only be accessible to those playing the game on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One as the campaign mode of the game will not be available to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Credit: Youtube/ Call of Duty
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