Katy Perry finally speaks up on her divorce with English comedian, Russell Brand, and judging from her tweets, the singer is not very happy about the commotion going on.

Last December 30, 2011, Russell Brand filed for a divorce from his wife of 14-months, Katy Perry, claiming "irreconcilable differences" as the cause. His decision not only shocked fans all over the world, but it shocked close friends of the Hollywood couple as well.

Being the kookiest couple they're known for, it wasn't obvious that they were having problems as friends and family described their relationship with images of being "very affectionate" and "really in love."

"I was shocked when I found out," says a source close to the two in an interview by People. "I was really surprised that Russell filed for divorce so quickly - especially at Christmas time."

After having flown to Barbados with best bud Rihanna and practically keeping her face out of tabloid and websites, Katy Perry has finally emerged from the heartbreak with two tweets of which show her sweet and sour side.

"I am so grateful for all the love and support I've had from people around the world. You guys have made my heart happy again," tweets the star last January 7.

Indeed, fans around the world have shown their utmost support for the "Fireworks" singer. As proof, her divorce hasn't stopped her songs and her fame from climbing up the charts. The singer is said to return to the spotlight for the People's Choice Awards happening on January 11 at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. Perry is up for seven nominations of which include Favorite Female Artist, Favorite Pop Artist and Song of the Year.

Her divorce certainly hasn't gotten in the way for the singer's fame but apparently her divorce is getting her parents' the limelight they so want. Katy Perry's parents, Pastor Keith and Mary Hudson, preached about their daughter's divorce claiming it was a gift from God. This in turn made a very angry Katy Perry.

"Concerning the gossip, I want to be clear that NO ONE speaks for me. Not a blog, magazine, "close sources" or my family," says a post on the singer's Twitter profile.

We'll leave the preaching to her parents. As of now, fans and friends of the singer are just happy to hear she's doing fine and everyone is psyched up for her post-split appearance on the People's Choice Awards.