The Overnight Report: Pass The Pecan Pie

By Greg PeelIn the most anticipated come-back since Nellie Melba, China's manufacturing PMI is back in expansion territory after thirteen consecutive months of contraction.

Influential Tech Guru Scores Windows 8’s Total Make-Up

One more bad publicity for Microsoft’s Windows 8 as Yahoo! News reported that influential gadget reviewer Jakob Nielsen will wait out for the next version of the operating system, judging the freshly rolled out OS as lacking the punch for a compelling PC experience.

LG Optimus G Reviews: An Android Powerhouse Daring the Smartphone Titans

LG’s Optimus smartphone lines can be considered as the South Korean consumer electronic firm’s saviour. The handsets are largely credited for nudging LG out of the red column, chalking up respectable profits after the global smartphone scrambling had ended for the September 2012 quarter.
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Online Shopping Tips to Beat Scammers, Spammers

The power of online shopping could be both liberating and problematic if one is not as conspicuous as ever. Scanning through colourful and interactive catalogues of products and services spells fun as the new shopping flare. Nonetheless. shopping or just browsing, one should not let your guard down as there are those on the watch to do some online mischief.

Click Frenzy’s Meltdown, a Win for Most Retailers

Click Frenzy's website may have crashed due to the surge of consumers wanting to get first dibs on discounted products, and may have lost patrons along the way, but the real winners here were the retailers themselves prepared to serve online consumers.

Billabong Director to Investigate Leveraged Buyout Offer

Billabong International Ltd., the Australian surf wear manufacturer, which had expected buyers withdraw offers for takeover the previous month, stated on the 19th of November that one of the directors of the firm was set to investigate a probable Billabong leveraged buyout offer of the company.

Job Loss is a Big Heart Risk

Job loss is a possible trigger for heart attack, putting at risk older people and those with serious medical conditions such as high blood pressure and obesity, a new U.S. study said.

RBA May Impose Rate Cuts in December

A lower cash rate right before the 2012 Christmas season goes into full swing remains a possibility as suggested by the Nov. 6 RBA board meeting minutes, which hinted that ‘further easing’ could be on the way.

Symantec Unmasks Trojan Hiding on Legit Google Docs Function

Anti-virus specialist Symantec has unmasked a new malware that exploits a function of Google Docs to secretly communicate with its command and control (C&C) server, likely infecting even new machines running on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.

Uranium, The New Contrarian Play?

By Andrew NelsonOne of the things that uranium market watchers assumed would halt the metal's slide was news a few months back that China had shrugged off its post Fukushima ashes and decided to go ahead at full steam in expanding the nation's nuclear energy program.

EBay Has Been Sued as a Result of its Illegal Agreement with Intuit

E-commerce company eBay Inc. has been summoned on the 16th of November by the state of California and their Department of Justice as well. The case is a result of an illegal agreement of the e-commerce company eBay Inc. with Intuit Inc. that the former would not employ the workers of the latter.

HSBC to Sell $9bn Stake in China’s Ping An

HSBC Holdings Plc has confirmed that it is negotiating the sale of its 15.6 percent stake in China's Ping An Insurance Co., which is worth approximately $9 billion, as it tries to boost its profitability. On the 19th of November, shares of HSBC grew approximately 1.4 percent in Hong Kong after the biggest Europe's bank informed about its plans to sell stakes in the China's second-biggest insurer.

Australia’s ‘Eggs-in-One-Basket’ Banking Sector

The last six weeks of the calendar year are usually a lot like the last two turns in a major downhill ski race. You get a couple of steep, sweeping bends and then the finish line. At this point in the race, you can only screw up. It's too late to make up for lost time.

Virgin Enters Scottish Air as it Grabs New Routes

Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd will be operating Heathrow routes to two Scottish cities, Edinburgh and Aberdeen after being offer take-off and landing slots at the Heathrow airport. British Airways was made to relinquish these slots after the successful acquisition of BMI by International Consolidated Airlines Group, S.A.

Second Recession for Eurozone since 2009

The ongoing debt crisis in the eurozone dragged the bloc into what is being touted as the second eurozone recession since the year 2009 during the third quarter in spite of moderate growth in European nations France and Germany.

Why Australia’s Economy is No Economic Wonder

In Australia, we seem to have a cultural view that our 'material abundance will last forever'. What people don't seem to realise is that our material abundance, and our ability to take advantage of this material abundance, doesn't come close to covering the bills we're racking up in the pursuit of a high standard of living.

Australian Stock Market Report – Afternoon 11/16/2012

The Australian sharemarket slipped for the fourth time in five sessions today, with the All Ordinaries Index (XAO) easing by 0.2 per cent or 10.5 pts to 4360.1. The local market fell by 2.7 per cent this week, making it the biggest weekly slide in value since May. Interestingly, barely a month ago the Aussie market hit a 14-month high but has dropped in value by 5 per cent since.
