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Syria captures 85% of Aleppo from 73%

The Syrian army  has increased Aleppo's territory gain to 85 percent from 73 percent gain on Wednesday. The army continued to push forward but slower than the previous advances.

Facebook is asking users to flag fake news

Facebook is asking its users to flag fake news. The feature is available as a survey at the end of an article which asks the reader to rate the extent of misleading language used therein.

BMW remotely locks a car with an alleged thief inside

BMW's remote locking mechanism helped Seattle Police Department to nab an alleged thief. The 38-year-old man found the car unlocked and took it for a ride. When the owner reported the theft, police contacted BMW and requested for assistance. The company locked the vehicle remotely trapping the suspect inside and the police arrested him.
Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi

PM Matteo Renzi resigns; why “no” vote prevailed during the referendum

Italy Prime Minister Matteo Renzi made his exit as a resounding “no” to a referendum on constitutional reform voiced by more than 50 percent of voters.  For some Italians, the referendum was about constitutional change. For many others, it was a gauge of the people’s trust in Renzi and his performance.
