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NASA’s EM drive produces thrust from nothing

Earth is getting crowded with every passing day. This forces man to look to the stars to live in. The situation gives rise to the idea of colonisation of space and the invention of EM drive, a space engine that moves forward without fuel makes it a reality.

Islamic State crucifies five Mosul residents

Five crucified bodies were seen hanging from traffic signals and electricity poles at a road junction in east Mosul, Iraq, on Tuesday, indicating that the Islamic State was still in charge in the city after their disappearance in the last 10 days.
Two bride figurines adorn the top of a wedding cake during an illegal same-sex wedding ceremony in central Melbourne August 1, 2009.

Same-sex marriage in Australia plebiscite blocked by Senate

The Senate has killed Australia’s planned same-sex plebiscite, which would have been held in February. On Monday, the proposal was voted down in the Upper House 33 to 29, effectively ending more than a year of debate about the plebiscite.
