Playing games on the couch with friends has taken on a whole new level with the Xbox One. Microsoft announced that you can connect up to eight controllers to the console, doubling the capabilities from what was seen on the Xbox 360.

This capability is extended to a range of 30 feet from the console so you don't have to be all cramped literally on the couch, reports GameSpot. Considering Microsoft's previous statement about the Kinect's capability to detect the console user regardless of his place in the room, the same can be assumed now matter the number of players.

Can the Xbox One one-up the PS4 with this new feature? Though the report does mention that the current PS3 already has the capability to support seven controllers at the same time, and doubling that may not be a very hard goal to achieve with the power of the PS4.

External storage won't be available at launch

Expanding the power of the Xbox One is definitely on the list, at least that's what Microsoft is planning once the next-gen console is released.

IGN reports that Major Nelson, Xbox Community manager, announced that the external storage feature will follow, although how gamers can get it on their hardware has not yet been announced.

The Xbox One already comes with a 500 GB internal HD, but there are also plans of the cloud power being rolled out come 2014.

PS4 to enjoy long timed-exclusive period for Warframe

Another timed-exclusive game has been linked to the PS4 once it launches this November 15 and 29, and will hold exclusivity for a full three-month period for the console version.

Warframe is now marked to be a free game at launch for PS4 owners. What's more, the action does not stop with the console alone, as the game is highlighted by a second screen app available for the iOS and Android.

According to VG 24/7, the app will give you critical intel, inventories, missions, and co-op sessions with friends, and will be available at launch.

DriveClub detailed further

When DriveClub was announced as a free game that comes with your PS Plus subscription, there was actually a fine print that states that the version of the game for the PS Plus is slightly different from what can be played on the retail copy.

This time, new intel revealed that playing the free version of the game on the PS4 will allow you to unlock the Platinum trophy so you can easily upgrade to the full version at a lower price.

Videogamer reports that this was announced by Paul Rustchynsky, design director of the game, but the details have not yet been fully fleshed out. Basically, what will be receiving when you upgrade are some cars and tracks that were not made available for the free version.

Expect some gameplay footage from the developers that not only showcases the gaming experience, but also the quality that the game will deliver on the PS4.