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‘Twilight’ Sweethearts Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart: Are They Getting Engaged?

While “Twilight” fans are excited to watch the onscreen couple Bella and Edward’s long awaited wedding in “Breaking Dawn Part 1” which opens on November 18, apparently Rob and Kristen want to get engaged at the same time for real, reports said. A “Twilight” insider has told “In Touch” magazine that the pair is ready to commit. According to the source, the couple could not stand being apart.

Where is Miley Cyrus? [VIDEO]

Miley Cyrus makes headlines whenever she is snapped sporting a racy outfit or brazen behavior. Once again, Miley is put on the spotlight but all for a different reason now.

Hollywood Couple Leonardo DiCaprio and Blake Lively Break Up

The Hollywood couple dated for only five months since their corresponding representatives have already confirmed to Us Weekly that the two are no longer together. Leo, 36, and Blake, 24, were first seen together on Steven Spielberg’s yacht in Monte Carlo last May during the Cannes Film Festival. During their brief relationship, the couple was seen in Italy, California and New York City. Last August, Blake even flew to Australia for a weekend just to be with Leo while he was filming “The Great G...
