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'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' may have a big reveal about Darth Vader—Report

What will Darth Vader’s role be in “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”? That is a big question that many of the fans are interested in. The main villain of the film is Director Orson Krennic, and the Sith Lord will be used sparingly. But, will there be some interesting tidbits about the iconic character that will be revealed?
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'Arrow' Season 5 spoilers: 'Dead' character to return; No time for Olicity

A “dead” character is all set to return in “Arrow” Season 5. Meanwhile, Co-Executive Producer Wendy Mericle has revealed that the fans will not get to see a return of Olicity any time soon, as the main characters will be busy dealing with their personal issues and not have enough time for each other.
Daisy Ridley

'Star Wars: Episode 8' theory on Rey's training

With “Star Wars: Episode 8” starting off at Ahch-To right from where the story left off in “The Force Awakens,” a big question on everyone’s mind is how Rey will be trained as a Jedi by Luke Skywalker. A new fan theory gives some hints about what the training will be like in the movie.
