Apple will be releasing a redesigned 12-inch MacBook in 2014. The device will feature an ultra-slim design that should provide another benchmark for ultrabooks to come. According to the report, Apple is also working on a 9.7-inch sixth generation iPad. What can people expect from the all new 12-inch MacBook?
Three superhero games, "Infinite Crisis," "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" and "Marvel Pinball" featuring Doctor Strange, are already in development, with two games ready for release as early as December this year.
The new "Minecraft" snapshot 13w41a has been released along with an accompanying change log for the added features. The CurseForge store has already been launched with a sample look at the layout.
With the "Pokemon X and Y" game coming out on Oct 12, enjoy these funny memes and photos and see just how much of an (obsessed) fan you are of the game.
GTA 5 may be heading for PC as per Intel executive. As for GTA Online, a new title update has been released to avoid loss of progress in the game.
The bad side to fanboyism and the console wars are revealed as Toys ‘R’ Us video scandal for the Xbox One gets taken down and the story behind overworked interns surface for the PS4.
The Tribez is a popular game for iPhone, iPad and Android devices which was launched on Oct. 11, 2012 by Game Insight, a leading game publisher for iPad games. It can be downloaded for free on The Tribez website, on Facebook or on Google Play.
More details about Batman: Arkham Origins show off the length of the game, possible themes for an origin story, and the reason why it’s not coming to next-gen.
More Pokemon evolutions and final starters have been leaked prior to the launch game. New York City will get a special launch event on the night before the actual release date. Nintendo releases word on a possible new Pokemon game starring the mainstay Pikachu as the lead in a bolder role this time.
As the release date for Battlefield 4 nears, more people are enjoying the beta access. DICE is also making the experience a lot better for players, as they add a new mode to try out.
Check out the trailers for upcoming games including The Wolf Among Us, Thief, Drakengard 3, and Donkey Kong Country.
Rockstar Games has finally released a new update for the more major bugs in GTA Online. Some few impression about the online multiplayer has been rounded up, and a Niko Bellic mod has been spotted for those not using the Collector’s Edition.
"Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" begins in the Skyrim Province 200 years after the Oblivion Crisis. Players will role play a character which is later revealed to be a dragonborn who possesses abilities of obtaining dragon souls and use dragon shouts in combat. Master the ways of being a dragonborn by using legendary dragon shouts.
Sony has a lot of surprises, starting with a new 3-D viewer now up for pre-orders as well as more details for games coming out on the PS4, such as "Need for Speed Rivals," the next project following "Beyond: Two Souls" and a game from "Uncharted" developer.
The Xbox One is on a roll, this time announcing 4K resolution capability for entertainment and gaming, improved reliability issues and even potential keyboard and mouse support. Warner Bros. has also announced its final word on "Injustice: Gods Among Us" for the Xbox One.
Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag is almost ready to set sail this November. Before it does, Ubisoft has released the details of its Season Pass, a new gameplay video, and the exclusive content for PlayStation players.
Check out the changelogs for the Minecraft Xbox 360 TU 13, as well as a glimpse on the newest Skin Pack released. With the texture pack already available, all eyes turn to suggesting other potential texture packs in the future.
There are three more reasons why the PS4 may just win over the Xbox One, as more bundles have been approved, the PS4 Link app is now coming to the PS Vita, and Injustice: Gods Among Us has already been announced for Sony’s next-gen console.
The DLCs for "BioShock Infinite" and "Battlefield 4" have been announced with accompanying leaks for achievements. At the same time, "Splinter Cell Blacklist’s" Homeland is now available for download.
More "Batman: Arkham Origins" features and exclusive items come out as the release date for the game nears. Get a recap on what to expect for the multiplayer mode and DLCs. Get more details on the collector’s item that’s available as an online order only and the Blackgate app.
The 2013 EB Games EXPO is a gamer’s dream come true. It is an annual event for the gaming industry, which features upcoming games, presentations from game developers and several community events. It will be held at the Sydney Showgrounds in Sydney, Australia from Oct. 4-6, 2013.
4J Studios is already working on the next texture pack, but the developers may have another pack in store as a surprise. Plus, Minecraft Mods for the Week that you should try: More Swords Mod, More Pistons Mod, and More Potions Mod.
Is the PS4 on the way to an ultimate win against the Xbox One? After winning the U.S. poll from Reuters/Ipsos, another research indicates more reasons as to why this is so.
Rockstar Games may be having a hard time keeping fans at bay when it comes to the server failure of "GTA Online" as fans throw angry comments on the Newswire.
Five games are coming to the PS4 and Xbox One, with new information for one early beta access, a successful stretch in Kickstarter, two sports games and just one of the many games for a popular franchise.
The problems for the iOS 7 have just begun, as more people try to find what’s wrong with Apple’s new operating system. But there is also a new leaked feature worth talking about, and which adds the good points to the iOS 7.
Valve brings out even bigger guns in the form of leaked information that basically confirms Half-Life 3. Meanwhile, rivals for the SteamOS, Steam Machines, and Steam Controller system speak their minds.
"Batman: Arkham Origins" developer reveals two more villains joining the roster of bad guys and one more character that has a lot of potential that will hopefully be explored. One other character is given the spotlight and hinted to have a really exciting twist.
Three gaming apps will make their debut in Australia and the rest of the world, starting with the iOS platform and expanding to Android and potentially other platforms.
Check out these three amazing Minecraft worlds, which have been adapted from Attack on Titan, Pokemon, and GTA 5.