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iPad Mini 2 vs. Nexus 7 2013: Which is the Tablet King for Games?

Between the Nexus 7 2013 and the still-rumoured iPad Mini 2, which one has the better capability for gaming in the battle for tablets? It seems like there are two main factors to be considered—the Nexus 7’s various new features and the OpenGL ES 3.0, as well as the many rumoured accessories and software that come with the iOS 7, which is also rumoured to be available with the iPad Mini 2.

Nvidia Shield, BenQ XL2411T: Gaming Gadgets to Watch Out For

Two upcoming devices can enhance your gaming on different levels. The Nvidia Shield aims to go beyond places when it comes to gaming, as it features apps and Android games, as well as PC functionalities. The newest BenQ monitor, XL2411T also brings an edge to deliver a more competitive gaming experience.
