Important announcements will be made through Gamescom regarding the PS4.
Xbox One will be gracing this year’s Comic Con, as Microsoft’s London studios gets to work on 4 F2P games.
INJUSTICE and Borderlands 2 are both looking at another DLC character beyond the Season Pass while GTA 5 gets a gameplay video.
Gaming news for PAX Australia, Oculus Rift, and World of Warcraft.
PS4 gamers should be ready for their own PlanetSide2 server, possible mouse and keyboard support for Battlefield 4, and the DualShock 4’s always-on lightbar.
Next gen may be on its way towards CGI, with the Xbox One’s architecture looking almost as good as your mid-range PC.
Get free or discounted games for the PC, Xbox 360, and iOS devices this week until the end of August.
Watch Halo 4’s newest gameplay footage, as Wii U hints at game releases this year and Aliens: Colonial Marines get a last DLC.
Google may be looking to reveal two flagship devices before Q3 fully rolls in.
The PS4 outsells and outvotes the Xbox One in worldwide poll and preorders at GameStop.
Updates on TU 12 and mod support, plus the log for fixes coming with Minecraft 1.6.2.
MSN TV will be no more starting September, and Xbox Beta Program already introduced for next year.
DLC news for Halo 4, BioShock Infinite, and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13.
Watch Dota 2 with a chance to win special items via Steam & Twitch linked accounts, get a hold of any of 22 discounted games for PSN Apocalyptic Sale, and grab Mercenary Kings at an affordable price.
The latest PS4 has been receiving much hype and attention. Following the release of its competitor, Xbox One, all eyes are on Sony to see what the company will bring on the table. Reports indicate that Sony is trying its hardest to deliver possibly the best gaming console on the market yet.
Microsoft will be making an appearance at Gamescom this year, as Microsoft reps reveal the advertising aspect of the Xbox One.
Minecraft and SimCity have updates, while a Battlefield 4 releases screens that show off multiplayer.
Get the biggest sales and freebies as you celebrate Independence Day this July.
Minecraft has found a companion shooter game in the form of Guncraft.
The PS4 offers the Playroom feature to all PS4 consoles even without the PS Eye—which means you’ll have to buy one to enjoy the free application.
News for the Xbox One’s cloud power and a new griefer-separator system, while the PS4 seems to triumph over the Xbox One in a poll.
Free skins and weapons pack for INJUSTICE and God of War: Ascension, while new DLC skins are out for Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge.
Sony is getting serious with its mobile offerings giving the likes of Samsung and Apple a run for their money. Consumer reports from the UK indicate the Sony’s position in the market is improving, and Samsung is paying for that cost.
Many are attesting to the PS4 as a great console for the next-generation. Know who they are.
New developments and updates for The Walking Dead: 400 Days, Grand Theft Auto 5, and Gran Turismo 6.
The Xbox One has finally found a good way to put the Kinect to even better use—QR code scanning for download codes.
Borderlands 2 gets new skins while Oculus Rift VR will take the spotlight at GDC Europe. Ubisoft, however, takes a different light as its Uplay got hacked.
Updates on the Xbox One and the possible synchronizations that it may have with other devices.
Minecraft PC and INJUSTICE receive updates and news, while Diablo 3 emphasizes its bans.
Several updates for upcoming and old Halo games.